Sunday, March 31, 2013

2013 Easter Cantata_01. Followers of the Light

Title: Followers of the Light
Composer: Cindy Berry

English (Chorus)

Ev'ry day with Jesus was a special day.
He was our teacher, our leader and friend.
We listened to His teachings,
and followed where he led,
Not knowing it would soon come to an end.

We watched Him calm the sea,
turn water into wine;
He showed such great compassion as
He healed the lame and blind.
But who was this Jesus,
so powerful and wise?
Was He a prophet or a king?

We were foll'wers of the light;
we were seekers of His kingdom.
We thought He was the one
who was sent to redeem us.

He said He was God's Son;
how can we go on?
We were foll'wers of the light,
now all hope is gone.
We were foll'wers of the light.
We were seekers of His kingdom,
We thought He was the one
who was sent to redeem us.

He said He was God's Son;
how can we go on?
We were foll'wers of the light,
now all hope is gone.
He said He was the light of the world,
And those who followed
would never walk in darkness.

But our King was crucified;
He suffered and He died
on the cross, the cross.
We were foll'wers of the light;
we were seekers of His Kingdom
We thought He was the one
who was sent to redeem us.

He said He was God's Son;
how can we go on?
We were foll'wers of the light,
now all hope is gone.
We were foll'wers of the light,
now all hope is gone,
all hope is gone.


날마다 주님과 함께 하리라
주님은 항상 인도하시네
주의 말씀 의지해
나 따라가리라
이 세상 끝나는 그날까지

바다를 명하여
잔잔케 하신 주
소경이 눈을 뜨며
저는 자는 걸었네
주의 놀라우신
능력을 찬양해
왕 되신 우리 예수님

빛을 따라가리라
그의 나라 이루어지리
죄인 된 날 구원하신
주 찬양하리

하나님의 아들
주를 따르리
빛을 따라가리라
주를 따르리
빛을 따르리
구원하신 주 찬양하리

하나님의 아들
주를 따르리
빛을 따라가리라
주를 따르리
주는 세상의 빛 되시니
주를 따르면
어둠은 물러가네

그러나 우리 주님
겸손히 지신
고난의 십자가
빛을 따라가리라
그의 나라 이루어지리
죄인 된 날 구원하신
주 찬양하리

하나님의 아들
주를 따르리
빛을 따라가리라
주를 따르리
빛을 따라가리라
주를 따르리
주 따르리

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