Sunday, March 31, 2013

2013 Easter Cantata_05. On Calvary's Mountain

Title: On Calvary's Mountain

Composer: Cindy Berry

English  (곡중 Solo: Bass Hong Hyunjun, Sop Kook Kyuhee)

He struggled up the winding hill,
on the road to Calvary,
He was beaten, scourged, and bleeding,
yet He suffered willingly.

As the nails pierced His innocent body,
He asked His Father to forgive.
He was willing to make the sacrifice,
to die, that we might live.

So as He laid down His life, bearing our sin,
Jesus' wondrous love was revealed.
He was pierced for our transgressions and by
His wounds we are healed.

On Calvary's mountain He paid the price,
The Lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice.
What great compassion, what boundless love
Jesus showed on Calvary's mountain.

On Calvary's mountain He paid the price,
The Lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice,
What great compassion, what boundless love
Jesus showed on Calvary's mountain.

He could have called ten thousand
angels as He suffered in agony.
He could have chosen to come down from the cross,
But he died that we might be free.

On Calvary's mountain He paid the price,
The Lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice,
What great compassion, what boundless love,
What love Jesus showed on Calvary's mountain,

Jesus showed on
Calvary's mountain,
Calvary's mountain, Calvary's mountain,
Calvary's mountain, Calvary's mountain.


주께서 십자가 지고
죽음의 길 오르네
붉은 피를 흘리시며
고난의 길 오르네

가시관은 주 몸을 찌르고
저 채찍은 내리치네
걸음마다 흘린 그 보혈이
구원 이루셨네

놀라운 주의 사랑 그 사랑이
나를 구원하시었네
죄악에 물든 내 영혼
주께서 만지셨네

갈보리 언덕 그곳에서
놀라운 사랑 보여 주셨네
구세주 예수 나의 주님
구원 이룬 갈보리 언덕

갈보리 언덕 그곳에서
놀라운 사랑 보여 주셨네
구세주 예수 나의 주님
구원 이룬 갈보리 언덕

십자가의 그 모진 고통
죽음의 두려움도
우리 주님 홀로 감당하셨네
주 홀로 담당하셨네

갈보리 언덕 그곳에서
놀라운 사랑 보여 주셨네
구세주 예수 나의 주님
예수 구원 이룬 갈보리 언덕

구원 이룬
갈보리 언덕
갈보리 갈보리
갈보리 갈보리

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