Sunday, March 31, 2013

2013 Easter Cantata_02. He healed my Soul

Title: He healed my Soul
Composer: Cindy Berry

English (Solo: Sop Kook Kyuhee)

That day was just the same as any other day,
As I went to draw some water from the well.
How could I have know that ev'rything would change?
Nothing in my life would ever be the same.

For a stranger spoke to me, a Samaritan,
His meanings I could not understand.
Who was this prophet? Who could He be?
He was surely no ordinary man.

He healed my soul, he touched my broken heart, 
and he made me whole. He changed my life that day.
Now I know I'll never be the same again, 
for this Jesus healed my soul.

This Jesus knew ev'rything about me, 
All my problems, my secrets, my sins.
Then He offered springs of living water, 
saying I would never thirst again.

I longed for this living water, 
from a source that would never run dry.
When I spoke of the Messiah, He said, "I am He."
Who was the prophet? Could it be?

Then He healed my soul, 
He touched my broken heart,
And he made me whole.
He changed my life that day.

Now I know I'll never be the same again, 
for this Jesus healed my soul.
He accepted me for who I was. 
I felt from Him no condemnation.

He showed compassion to me, 
so that I could see God's love.
Then He healed my soul, He touched my 
broken heart, and he made me whole.

He changed my life that day.
Now I know I'll never be the same again, 
for Jesus healed my soul.
This Jesus healed my soul, healed my soul.


그날도 평범한 그런 하루였죠 
우물가에 물을 길러 갔었죠 
그런데 그날 난 변화 되었죠 
처음 느껴본 그런 일이었죠

내게 말씀하셨죠 사마리아 여자여 
나는 알 수가 없었어요 
그가 누군지 사도인지 
그는 평범한 사람 아니죠

그는 나의 부서진 마음을 
만지셨어요 내 삶이 변했죠 
이제는 내 맘 바뀌지 않아요 
그가 나를 바꿨죠 

주님은 나의 모든 걸 아셨죠 
나의 문제 내 죄와 비밀 
그는 내게 생수를 주셨죠 
다시는 목마르지 않죠

내가 그토록 바라던 
생명의 생수를 주셨죠 
당신이 메시아시뇨 
내가 물을 때 
내가 그니라 하셨죠

그분은 나의 부서진 
마음을 만지셨어요
내 삶이 변했죠 이제는 
내 맘 바뀌지 않아요 

그가 나를 만졌죠 
그는 나를 사랑하셨죠 
나의 모든 걸 이해하셨죠 
나의 모든 걸 이해하셨죠 

나는 느낄 수 있죠 
하나님 주신 사랑
그분은 나의 부서진 
마음을 만지셨어요 

내 삶이 변했죠 이제는 
내 맘 바뀌지 않아요
그가 나를 바꿨죠 
내 주님 날 사랑하셨죠

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