Sunday, March 31, 2013

2013 Easter Cantata_04. Surely he has borne our Griefs

Title: Surely he has borne our Griefs

Composer: Cindy Berry

English  (Chorus)

For me it was in the garden He prayed,
"Not my will, but Thine."
He had no tears for His own griefs,
but sweat drops of blood for mine.

Surely He has borne our griefs.
Surely He has carried our sorrows.
It was for this that he had come.
And so He prayed, "Thy will be done,"
In the garden of Gethsemane.

Deeply distressed and troubled,
overwhelmed with sorrow, He knelt to pray.
Soon He would lay down His life for our sins,
there was no other way.

As His mind surely filled with images of death,
He prayed to His Father above.
For the time for His betrayal was near,
the time for His sacrifice of love.

Surely He has borne our griefs.
Surely He has carried our sorrows.
It was for this that he had come.
And so He prayed, "Thy will be done."
In the garden of Gethsemane.

How marvelous! How wonderful!
And my song shall ever be,
How marvelous! How wonderful
is my Savior's love,
is my Savior's love,
Is my Savior's love
for me, for me.


겟세마네 동산에서
주님 기도하셨네
주님의 땀방울이
피와 같이 되었네

그는 우리의 슬픔
우리 아픔 담당하시네
겟세마네 동산에서
간절하게 기도하네
아버지 뜻대로 하소서

깊은 슬픔과 고통
우리 주님 홀로 담당했네
우리의 모든 죄로 인하여
주 고난 당했네

분명히 보이는 저 죽음의 고통
배신 당한 그 아픔도
주 홀로 기도하며 견뎠네
나를 위한 그 사랑으로

그는 우리의 슬픔
우리 아픔 담당하시네
겟세마네 동산에서
간절하게 기도하네
아버지 뜻대로 하소서

오 놀랍고 오 놀랍다
나의 노래 되신 주
오 놀랍고 오 놀랍다
주님의 사랑
주님의 사랑
주님의 사랑
주의 사랑

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